Artesanías MONGAR S.L.
Carretera de Tricio, s/n.
26300 - NÁJERA - La Rioja (SPAIN)
Tel./Fax. + (34) 941 360 814

Instructions for Download

Download the
We download the zip catalogue to our computer presssing on once.


we go on the way that next it is showing in the images in your desktop when the download was finished.



In your desktop it will appear one icon like this.

when the download would be finished
in your desktop it will appear one icon like this.
Then we will come to descompression it, if you haven´t
got winzip program you can download it clicking on this icon
We shall go on the same steps,
we will click on once and we will keep it in our desktop.
when the download would be,
we will click on finished this icon the our computer´s
desktop and we will to put in (install a computer system)



when it is installed, we shall descompress the archive
in our computer the next way:


We press I Agree


We press Extract

when the decompression would be hinished we can close
the program system and we´ll observe that the our computer´s desktop,
we have got a folder named "catalogo"
we´ll open the folder and the initial page for this catalogue will be inicio.htm